Real Estate Photography: 5 Basic Types of Real Estate Photos

Visual presentation plays a pivotal role in getting more traffic online for any real estate business and agent. For beginners, before knowing how to take property photos, you need to know five main types of real estate photos including residential, architectural,  interior, commercial and drone photography.

Let’s get started!

5 Main Categories of Real Estate Photos

A photo can be worth thousands of words. Take a look at these statistics below, you can see great power of using real estate photography in property selling:

So, you have already known how amazing the power of photography in real estate marketing is. In the next part, let’s discover 5 types of real estate photography every newbie should know.

Type 1. Residential Photography

The most popular kind of real estate photography is residential real estate photos based on the clients’ needs. Overally, a real estate photographer usually provides 20–30 edited photos from a residential assignment, ranging from condos and townhomes to single-family homes and occasionally multi-family complexes. The year 2021 witnessed a significant need for residential real estate photography, with 6.9 million properties sold in the United States.

Type 2. Interior Images


Are there any home buyers going to not see the inside of a selling house? Definitely no! As its name implies, interior real estate photography is a specialized field within the broader realm of real estate photography that focuses on capturing the interiors of residential and commercial properties. The goal is to showcase the interior spaces in the most appealing and realistic manner possible, helping potential buyers or tenants envision themselves in the property. 

Type 3. Architectural Real Estate Photos


Architectural real estate photography is a specialized genre of photography that focuses on capturing the exterior of buildings, engineering firms, as well as the overall design and architecture of residential and commercial properties. This type of photography is essential in showcasing a property's unique features, design elements, and aesthetic appeal.

Architectural real estate photography is instrumental in marketing properties, helping potential buyers or tenants appreciate the design, craftsmanship, and overall aesthetic of a building. High-quality architectural images contribute to a property's marketability and can significantly impact a potential buyer's perception. However, it requires a lot of skill to produce high-quality final images of architectural photography, which not all real estate photographers can do.

Type 4. Drone Real Estate Photos


Drone photography helps give a bird view for prospective homebuyers to see a house and its surrounding neighborhood as well as unique and compelling perspectives that standard real estate photos cannot provide. Drone real estate photography and videos has become increasingly popular in the real estate industry for its ability to provide a more comprehensive and engaging visual experience.

According to NARs, using drone photos in real estate listings will help sell your listings 68% faster than ones without.

Type 5. Commercial Real Estate Photos

Commercial real estate photography involves capturing high-quality images of commercial properties for marketing and promotional purposes. These photographs are used to showcase the features, architecture, and overall appeal of commercial real estate listings online. The quality and professionalism of the photographs can significantly impact the perception of the property and influence potential clients or investors.

This type of photography is often more expensive as high-quality imagery can help the business earn more money over the long term. Additionally, photographers specializing in commercial real estate photography may require more experience and equipment to capture well-lit, clear, and visually appealing images.


Final Thoughts

Knowing basic types of real estate photography is a must if you want to get into this industry. As according to real estate experts, it is never a good idea to get on with taking real estate photos before learning its principle categories and fundamentals. Just like building a house, you need to build the basment before anything.

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4 responses to “Real Estate Photography: 5 Basic Types of Real Estate Photos”

  1. […] Mastering natural HDR real estate photography requires technical skills, creative vision, and attention to detail. By following this guide's workflow, you'll capture stunning images for marketing. Embrace the challenge, experiment with different techniques, and watch as your photography skills soar to new heights.Related post:Real Estate Photography: A Definition Of Real Estate Photos?REP: A Tutorial To Take Real Estate Photos For BeginnersReal Estate Photography: 5 Basic Types Of Real Estate Photos […]

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